Thursday, May 6, 2010

Remembering a visit with Peter Steele (avatar) in '07

I woke early today in spite of going to bed at 4 am after partying with one of my fave DJs...Dov Watanabe. Had an excellant time and could hardly tear myself away from the puter in spite of exhaustion and discomfort! Dov's sets tend to have that effect on many people.

The reason for the early waking was something that has been bugging me for weeks since I heard about the death of Peter Steele. I'll spare you all the emotions that I went through and even now struggle with, will get right to the point.
See...I knew I had this picture and this story I had to share, which bugged me every time I'd hear a song by Pete's band.

Back in 2007 I somehow stumbled across the name of some band in inworld search that I found intriguing. "Type O Negative....hmm, peculiar name, interesting...that happens to be my exact blood type...wonder what they're like", were some of my random thoughts at the time. So I looked at the group info and joined it, then wandered around online looking for more info on them and listened to a few of their songs, liking the singer's deep voice and the music was right up my alley. Then I got the notion to contact the lead singer inworld, using the group info. I noticed he was online and I got a little nervous thinking he'd not have time for the likes of wrong I was! I mentioned that I had just heard of his band and liked what I heard. He seemed friendly and invited me to meet him and see his home. I mentioned to my friend, Zazel that I was about to visit him and she freaked out and begged  me to let her come with. I thought this must be an awesome band when that happened and was tickled by her response so I asked if she could come with me. Peter had no problem with that so I let her in on the fun. So we went to a place where this handsome avatar with gorgeous long black hair stood playing what looked like a cello, guitar style? After polite and friendly intros he led us to his nearby house and gave us a tour. I regret that I didn't take pictures of his virtual dwelling or save the chat, nor did I keep in touch with him.
Zazel commented that it had to be the actual singer using that name for his avatar...something about possibly having to pay for it's use...I wasn't sure at the time what to think of all this, but looking back I suspect she could have been right. I tried to look up his profile but it seems non-existant now, which is a shame. I'm hoping it was merely set to non-searchable and the account not deleted.

Anyway, that's my story and my picture from my random chance meeting in SL of the virtual version of a truly awesome singer. Since those days, I've learned to appreciate Type O's songs and sound even more, getting choked up when I hear them lately.

We miss you Peter, R.I.P. <3

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